Firefly Studios

Author: saka

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Steam Lunar Sale

Steam Lunar Sale


Just when you thought you were safe… Another Steam sale is upon us! Prepare for a relentless assault on your digital wallet as Steam’s Lunar New Year Sale tempts each and every one of us with bargain videogames. The best part? We’re giving Space Colony: Steam Edition its biggest discount yet, along with 75% off games in the Stronghold series!

Stronghold Crusader 2 (75% Off)

Stronghold Crusader 2: Ultimate Edition (50% Off)

Stronghold Crusader 2 DLC (All 50% Off)

Space Colony: Steam Edition (50% Off)

Stronghold HD (75% Off)

Stronghold Crusader HD (75% Off)

The above discounts are now active and will last until the end of the sale on February 12th.

Whatever game you choose to pick up remember to add any games you have your eyes on to your Steam Wishlist. Do this and be the first to find out when we trigger another one of our world-shattering discounts!

By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Island Warfare Now Live

Island Warfare Now Live

Turn the oceans red by waging bloody war across 38 tropical islands with new, changing sea conditions. Players must fight for a single kingly throne avoiding rough seas and the occasional hurricane as they attack, scout and trade across a medieval archipelago. Conditions change daily with tail winds, rough seas and violent storms either slowing or accelerating the progress of attacks, trade ships and scouting parties as they move between islands. Attacking forces may catch a strong tailwind and obliterate their enemies in the blink of an eye. Traders can double their earnings in a single day by all casting off while conditions are favorable. Scouts on the other hand could be so heavily delayed by storms at sea that, upon returning home, find their actions have sparked a conflict that has destroyed their home! Continue reading

By in Stronghold Crusader 2 Comments Off on New DLC, Maps & Optimisations

New DLC, Maps & Optimisations

Due to popular demand we have released the Delivering Justice and Freedom Fighters mini-campaigns on Steam! Formerly a pre-order exclusive and made available later as part of the game’s Ultimate Edition, we have released these mini-DLCs so that all players can complete their Stronghold Crusader 2 collection. Achievement hunters, completionists and Stronghold veterans can now pick up each DLC for $0.99, £0.99 or €0.99. Continue reading

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Steam Autumn Sale

Steam Autumn Sale

It is time. Do you feel that uncontrollable desire to grow your already gargantuan Steam Library? Do you dream of owning countless indie games, bundles and heavily discounted AAA titles? Good news! Firefly Studios are taking part in the sale that absolutely no one saw coming: the Steam Autumn Sale! These discounts are now active and will last until the end of the Steam Autumn Sale. Whatever you choose to pick up remember to add any games you have your eyes on to your Steam Wishlist and be the first to find out when the folks here at Firefly trigger one of our world-shattering discounts.

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By in Stronghold Crusader 2 Comments Off on Out Now on GOG

Out Now on GOG

Don’t like DRM? Good news! Firefly have partnered with GOG to release Stronghold Crusader 2 DRM-free, with added support for the online gaming platform GOG Galaxy allowing you to enjoy multiplayer with friends. Today the game finally releases DRM-free on GOG with a new trailer, as well as promotional discounts of 66% off the base game and 50% off all DLC for the next five days.

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By in Stronghold Crusader 2 Comments Off on Ultimate Edition & New DLC

Ultimate Edition & New DLC

We have just released our fourth Stronghold Crusader 2 DLC character pack, meaning ‘The Jackal & The Khan’ is now available at 33% off on Steam! The Jackal & The Khan is designed as the ultimate challenge for Crusader players and it is planned as our final release for the game. While those who own all Crusader 2 DLCs are in store for a few little surprises in-game, we would rather players discover these for themselves. We do however have something else to reveal… Continue reading

By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Kingdoms on Android

Kingdoms on Android

We are pleased to announce that Firefly Studios will be bringing Stronghold Kingdoms to Android devices!Last week we announced that Stronghold Kingdoms is coming to iPhone and iPad and by far the most frequently asked question from players was “What about Android?”

The Kingdoms team are thrilled to see that the Lords and Ladies of Stronghold Kingdoms are eager to take their castles along with them on the road. To clarify, we never intended to make this new mobile version of SHK exclusive to only iOS users. Since the beginning our plan has been to bring Kingdoms to both iOS and Android. We expect the Android version to arrive a little later than the iOS release, but this is purely down to the small size of our development team.

Stronghold Kingdoms on Android will of course offer all the same core features of the iOS, PC, and Mac versions. This includes the full game, new touchscreen controls and cross platform play with the millions of existing Kingdoms players.

Follow us on Twitter for updates on Android and iOS development, screenshots of the new mobile controls and video diaries.

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Firefly @ Gamescom 2015

Firefly @ Gamescom 2015

In just under two weeks’ times Europe’s largest gaming convention will open its doors to literally hundreds of thousands of gamers and developers in sunny Cologne Germany. Gamescom has always been very important to us as a platform for making exciting new announcements, meeting with players and demoing our games. We have had many questions coming in about whether we’ll be at the show, what we’re bringing and whether you’ll see or hear anything new from us.

The good news is that Firefly *will* indeed be making an announcement on the first day of the show! Given our attendance record at Gamescom in recent years this may not come as much of a surprise, but we do have big news and hopefully something for everyone that follows Firefly and our games. The only bad news is that we won’t have a booth in the public area for you to swing by and say hello, as we had last year. That said we do have a very special surprise prepared for everyone, so keep an eye on our websites and social media pages for updates between the 5th and 7th of August if you don’t want to miss out on our exciting news!

P.S. If you do happen to see our Senior Producer Paul or Marketing Manager Nick in their black Firefly shirts then please do say hello! They may even let you in on our secret announcement before everyone else…

By in Firefly News Comments Off on New Firefly Website

New Firefly Website is dead… Long live the new Fireflyworlds! We are pleased to present the new official Firefly Studios website.

Designed to make it as easy as possible for players, press and anyone interested in our company to get technical support, press assets, review code and information on our latest endeavors, the new website has been created with all devices in mind. Desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and almost anything else you can use to surf the web in 2015 (apart from smart watches… At least for now) are all supported, with a dynamic theme that will magically shape-shift depending on the device you’re browsing from.

Are you for some reason in search of an old newsletter, FAQ, mini-game or wallpaper? Fear not! In our benevolence we have made sure that the old Firefly Studios website is still available for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to visit ye olde Fireflyworlds for information on our older games and to browse the forum for threads of the past. While we may eventually add information on our legacy titles to the new Firefly site, we will likely do so only when relevant updates (such as multiplayer solutions for ex-GameSpy games) have been developed and released. We will of course continue to support both the official Stronghold Kingdoms and Stronghold Crusader 2 websites.

We hope you like the new website! Be sure to check back for the latest news on new updates and games from Firefly.