Firefly Studios


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The History of Rome in Gaming

As we approach the Steam launch of Romans: Age of Caesar on April 27th, we wanted to discuss Rome (or Roma as Aaron likes to say it) and its hold on our lives and imagination. Through its influence across law, architecture, trade, military tactics, art and craftsmanship, ancient Rome has its hold on developers worldwide.

In today’s video feature we’re incredibly excited to talk about why the Eternal City of Echoes and the empire that blossomed from its industrious seed came to be the setting for our latest and most ambitious online game, Romans: Age of Caesar. Gaming is unique in its capacity to allows players to actively engage with historical settings, making your experience far more personal as a result of being active participants, instead of just passive observers. Continue reading

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Lore of Stronghold #3

Our latest ‘Lore of Stronghold‘ video series covers the characters and history of Stronghold, as well as the core building blocks of our central story. Delving deep into the annals of Firefly’s design and writing, shaping the narrative of our castle sim series over the years, this lore series intends to provide fans with two things: First a cinematic summary for players who have never played a Stronghold title in their life and second hidden details, for those of you looking to start your umpteenth playthrough!

This week we turn to Duc Truffe, who came to be known as The Pig. A brutish, cruel man with a tragic past, in today’s video we learn about his journey from the gutter to Dukedom, cracking skulls and breaking bones along the way. In addition if you haven’t caught our previous episodes in this series, then be sure to check out lore behind The Rat and fan favourite The Snake.

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Lore of Stronghold #2

Our ‘Lore of Stronghold‘ video series covers both the characters and history of Stronghold, the building blocks of our core story. Delving deep into the annals of Firefly’s design and writing, which have over the years shaped the narrative of our castle sim series, this lore series intends to provide fans with two things. First a cinematic summary for players who have never played a Stronghold title in their life and second a few hidden details, for those of you looking to start your umpteenth playthrough!

Today we look at Duc Beauregard, otherwise known as The Snake, studying his place in the world of Stronghold and impact events in Stronghold 1. Discover how this conniving two-faced coward, hiding behind a literal wall of of gems, jewels and gold, had a decisive role to play in the uprising of The Boy and his eventual defeat of The Wolf.

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Ultimate Edition Out Now

We are pleased to announce the release of Stronghold: Warlords Ultimate Edition! Combining the latest version of the game, 10 post-release updates, 4 DLCs and all Special Edition content, Warlords’ Ultimate Edition is the complete package for Stronghold players looking for the most missions, maps and medieval goodness.

Packaging the base game with every DLC and free update, released as part of Warlords’ post-launch roadmap, the Ultimate Edition has it all. Enjoy a whopping 9 historical campaigns, 20 warlords, 8 AI opponents, 28 skirmish maps, 18 units, 10 siege weapons and 45 skirmish missions set across 3 trails! This is in addition to other free updates added since launch such as Extreme Difficulty mode, custom AI invasions in Free Build, increased troop limits and more!

This is in addition to our Special Edition content which includes a feature length making of documentary, full orchestral soundtrack from series composer Robert L. Euvino, a digital art book and bonus copy of Stronghold HD on Steam. Continue reading

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A New Stronghold!

It’s a new year here at Firefly Studios and with it comes fresh releases, projects and updates! We’re kicking off our post-Warlords content here on YouTube with some pretty big news and although we’re light on details for now you can expect much, much more in the coming months (and years) as we dive into our exciting plans for the Stronghold series, Romans: Age of Caesar and more. What plans you ask? Well you’ll just have to carve out seven and a half minutes to watch our ‘Firefly in 2022’ update in full, as we speak as candidly as we can about the future of the Stronghold series and Romans: Age of Caesar, which will be expanding it’s empire onto Steam and mobile platforms this year. Continue reading

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v1.10 Update & Final DLC

Update: While our big v1.10 update and Warrior Queen Campaign DLC will launch as planned on January 25th, the release of Stronghold: Warlords’ Ultimate Edition has now been delayed to February 14th. We apologise for this delay but hope you enjoy the free content and DLC campaign, both still releasing next week!

On Tuesday January 25th 2022 we’ll be releasing our final set of Stronghold: Warlords content – A massive v1.10 update and the Fu Hao Campaign DLC, followed by a new bundle in the form of Warlords’ Ultimate Edition!

Available next week v1.10 will be a free update for all owners of the game, while the Fu Hao Campaign DLC will be available to purchase alongside the upcoming Ultimate Edition, the best option for players who don’t yet own Warlords and want all the DLC.

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Lore of Stronghold #1

The Lore of Stronghold video series will cover the history, stories and characters that make up the Stronghold world. Delving deep into the annals of design and writing which shape the narrative of our games. Intending to give both a cinematic summary for players who have never played a Stronghold title, while also unveiling hidden details for players who are looking to start their umpteenth playthrough!

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Firefly Devs React 2

Today we continue our ‘Devs React‘ series with a second reaction-filled episode! This time our veteran Lead Designer Simon Bradbury looks back, using gameplay from the final mission of Stronghold HD to reflect on his history in game dev and how gamers play our titles today. We then examine a few more strategy classics – modern or otherwise – comparing titles in the strategy scene from some of the biggest studios around.

So join us as we delve into the science fiction world of Blizzard’s StarCraft 2, Relic’s recent continuation of a fan favourite franchise in Age of Empires 4 and the bespoke gameplay experience of Total War Medieval. All of which have inspired both Firefly itself and the strategy scene as a whole, to evolve, grow and reach new players.

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Yoritomo AI Update

We have just released our new v1.9 update for Stronghold: Warlords, which includes the Minamoto no Yoritomo AI opponent, extra achievements, new maps and an increased total troop limit in offline skirmish mode of up to 1,000 units!

This free update has been released alongside the launch of our Rise of the Shogun Campaign DLC, which adds six missions and two warlords to the Stronghold: Warlords base game. Both the update and DLC are now available on Steam and GOG, with a 10% launch week discount for Rise of the Shogun.

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Autumn & Winter Roadmap

It’s finally here! Our Autumn and Winter content roadmap for Stronghold: Warlords has been revealed and with it new AI lords, maps, fixes, optimisations, skirmish trail missions and warlords. As with our previous two content roadmaps, today’s reveal shows the updates you can look forward to in the coming months and the general order in which you can expect them. That is of course with the news that we’ll be turning our eye to the future of Stronghold, after our final Warlords update has been released. Continue reading