Firefly Studios


By in Stronghold Crusader 2 Comments Off on Humble Jumbo Bundle 7

Humble Jumbo Bundle 7

Pay what you want or beat the average and get more than seven awesome titles in the latest Humble Bundle!

Firefly have joined forces with our friends at Humble to bring you Stronghold Crusader 2 (and many other excellent games) at their lowest ever price! It’s completely up to you how much you pay and where your money goes. You can send it all to the hard working developers, awesome charities or all-around great human beings at Humble as a tip for their great work. The important thing here is that YOU can get CHEAP VIDEOGAMES.

The Bundle ends in two weeks. So don’t miss out!

By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Kingdoms Mobile Gameplay

Kingdoms Mobile Gameplay

Excited about playing Stronghold Kingdoms on iOS and Android? Then watch our first ever gameplay trailer and pre-register for free cards!

Ever since announcing our plans to redesign Stronghold Kingdoms for mobile devices you have been asking to see the game. Now that we’re entering the final stages of development it’s time for us to reveal all! In the run up to Gamescom Lords and Ladies have flooded our inbox with requests for updates on the project, so today it makes us very happy to reveal the first in a series of Q&As, trailers and development updates!

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By in Stronghold 2, Stronghold Legends Comments Off on New Steam Editions

New Steam Editions

We are pleased to announce that Stronghold Legends and Stronghold 2 are being updated! Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition will release next month with with Steam multiplayer, achievements, exclusive maps, trading cards and all bonus DLC content, with Stronghold 2: Steam Edition to follow in 2017. Both games will be a FREE update for anyone who currently owns them on Steam, as part of the Stronghold Collection. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Stronghold at Gamescom 2016

Stronghold at Gamescom 2016

Where will YOU be when gamers and devs from around the globe descend on the world’s largest gaming expo? In a shocking turn of events, Firefly will once again be in attendance! We’re travelling to Germany next week with exciting Stronghold news, trailers, and builds of our games. For the first time we will also be revealing exactly the same footage and information to players as we will be with the gaming press.

Paul, Nick and Pascal from Firefly are (nearly) ready to travel to Gamescom next week, bringing with them a touching (sorry) gameplay experience in the form of Stronghold Kingdoms on mobile and two separate pieces of new, exciting news for the Stronghold community. If you spot one of our three Firefly knights please grab them! You could be the first to experience Stronghold Kingdoms on mobile and find out what our other cool news is.

Gamescom 2016 will have something for PC and mobile fans alike – for both new and veteran fans – so watch out for announcements and online community events next week!

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Firefly Runs London 10k

Firefly Runs London 10k

We’re running for charity and YOU can help!

We first met the incredible people at SpecialEffect in 2012 and have been working with them ever since. So as part of our now yearly tradition four brave souls from Firefly Studios are running in the British London 10k for the charity, which improves quality of life for people living with disabilities. We feel strongly about the rehabilitation, mental well-being and self-esteem of those SpecialEffect work with on a daily basis, using heavily customised controllers, eye-tracking software and other innovative tools to broaden the accessibility and inclusiveness of gaming beyond fully able-bodied individuals.

Still not convinced? Then watch this.

In the past we’ve run as female Street Fighter characters (our best year) and Power Rangers (not the most comfortable costume). This year? Pac-Man (Stephen) will be chasing famous videogame ghosts Blinky (Tom), Inky (Nick) and Clyde (Anthony)!

Help us achieve our fundraising goal by visiting the below fundraising site and leaving a donation. Every little helps 🙂

Click Here to Donate

By in Stronghold Crusader 2 Comments Off on Steam Free Weekend

Steam Free Weekend

The full Stronghold Crusader 2 base game is currently FREE to download and play this weekend on Steam and the game is also 80% off until Monday. Every player with a Steam account now has access to the single player campaigns, multiplayer and all secondary modes such as free build! Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Firefly Studios @ GDC

Firefly Studios @ GDC

If you’re anywhere near San Francisco next month don’t miss out on the Game Developers Conference! Our marketing department (Nick) will be on-site presenting the latest, greatest mobile build of Stronghold Kingdoms Touch produced by our programming team (of two). So if you happen to see Nick say hello! You could be among the first to lay your eyes – and more importantly, hands – on the redesigned mobile version! Even if you won’t be anywhere near the bay area, we still have exclusive news and reveals lined up. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Stronghold in Humble’s Bundle

Stronghold in Humble’s Bundle

What’s the only thing better than pay-what-you-want? Pay nothing! We’re giving away a limited edition ‘Kingmaker’ starter pack for Stronghold Kingdoms, as part of Humble Bundle’s latest main-page bundle. It is available right now at no charge and comes packed with over $20 worth of in-game items.

Click Here to Claim Your Starter Pack!

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By in Space Colony Comments Off on Space Colony Map Pack

Space Colony Map Pack

To celebrate the soon-to-be-ending Steam Lunar New Year Sale we’ve gone and created four new maps for Space Colony: Steam Edition! Only accessible via Steam Workshop, each map was created by a different team member and designed to present players with a unique challenge. We hope you enjoy the new maps and the rest of the Steam Sale, which ends today!

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By in Firefly News Comments Off on Steam Lunar Sale

Steam Lunar Sale


Just when you thought you were safe… Another Steam sale is upon us! Prepare for a relentless assault on your digital wallet as Steam’s Lunar New Year Sale tempts each and every one of us with bargain videogames. The best part? We’re giving Space Colony: Steam Edition its biggest discount yet, along with 75% off games in the Stronghold series!

Stronghold Crusader 2 (75% Off)

Stronghold Crusader 2: Ultimate Edition (50% Off)

Stronghold Crusader 2 DLC (All 50% Off)

Space Colony: Steam Edition (50% Off)

Stronghold HD (75% Off)

Stronghold Crusader HD (75% Off)

The above discounts are now active and will last until the end of the sale on February 12th.

Whatever game you choose to pick up remember to add any games you have your eyes on to your Steam Wishlist. Do this and be the first to find out when we trigger another one of our world-shattering discounts!