Firefly Studios


By in MetaMorph Comments Off on New MetaMorph Gameplay

New MetaMorph Gameplay

In our latest MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures video we give you five reasons to wishlist our upcoming tactical action game! Coming soon to Early Access MetaMorph not only shares DNA with everyone’s favourite castle sim, it’s also a unique twist on the gameplay formula set out in classic dungeon crawlers. Talking through what we’re most proud of and parts of the game players enjoyed hands-on at EGX Rezzed and BitSummit earlier this year, we list five reasons MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures should be on your Steam radar for 2017 and beyond!

By in Stronghold 2 Comments Off on Out Now – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition!

Out Now – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition!

We are pleased to announce that Stronghold 2: Steam Edition is now available to download and play! Discounted by 15% during launch week and released as FREE update for existing owners on Steam, this new remaster is designed to future proof one of your favourite Stronghold games. With new content, enhanced graphics and a reworked UI the Steam Edition brings Stronghold 2 into the modern era for both veterans and Stronghold newbies. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold 2 Comments Off on Stronghold 2 – Original Vs Steam

Stronghold 2 – Original Vs Steam

Our FREE Steam Edition upgrade for Stronghold 2 is almost here! With just a week to go before the long awaited re-release arrives on October 5, we take a closer look at the game’s visual enhancements with a side-by-side graphical comparison. Thanks to enhanced visuals, widescreen support and a reworked user interface, you can now keep better track of your pitiful subjects, observe a greater area of the battlefield and watch closely as medieval life unfolds within your castle walls. Perhaps now those lazy peasants will think twice about stealing from the granary! Continue reading

By in Stronghold HD Comments Off on The Making of Stronghold

The Making of Stronghold

What inspired Stronghold? How did the developers deal with publisher pressures? What was it like creating an indie game at the turn of the century? Where is Stronghold headed?! Get the answers to these questions and more in our second exclusive ‘Making Of’ video feature! Take a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the original hit castle sim RTS in this exclusive interview with producer Paul Harris and the father of Stronghold, Simon Bradbury. Have any of YOUR questions been left unanswered? Post them in the comments below and we might feature them in a future video!

Don’t forget our sequel to the original Stronghold has a new Steam Edition releasing on October 5th! So if you like the look of Stronghold HD and are intrigued to see how the game sequel builds on the sim foundations then either grab yourself a copy at launch or upgrade for free with the Stronghold Collection on Steam!

By in MetaMorph Comments Off on New MetaMorph Trailer

New MetaMorph Trailer

We are preparing for the Early Access release of our new character switching, class based dungeon crawler with the release of a new hero trailer! ‘The Ogre’ as he is simply known is the first spirit form players will acquire in-game and as a tank provides new strategic options. An ancient force of nature returned to life for the battle against Death’s armies, the Ogre makes up for his slow speed with the ability to control and absorb damage from large mobs. Check out the new gameplay footage, let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to wishlist MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures on Steam! Continue reading

By in Stronghold 2 Comments Off on Coming Soon – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Coming Soon – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

We are pleased to finally announce that Stronghold 2: Steam Edition will be released on Steam as a free upgrade for existing owners of the game on October 5th 2017. Created exclusively for Steam, Stronghold 2: Steam Edition comes with Steam multiplayer, achievements, visual enhancements, six new maps, a digital art book, official soundtrack and Steam Trading Cards. The Steam Edition also updates Stronghold 2 with full Steam Workshop support, allowing to you easily create and share custom maps with friends. Recreate iconic real-life castles, battlegrounds from medieval history and scenes from your favourite fantasy epic! Continue reading

By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Out Now – Stronghold Kingdoms Android

Out Now – Stronghold Kingdoms Android

We are proud to have finally released Stronghold Kingdoms on Google Play! As promised the Android version of Kingdoms arrives more or less alongside iOS, with a two week gap between releases providing a little breathing room. This has allowed us to make sure each launch goes as smoothly as possible and we do appreciate your patience with this minor delay. From today can go head-to-head or join forces with other players on iOS, PC and Mac, with the ability to log in using your existing account. Compatible with Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later, Stronghold Kingdoms on Android is the full game on mobile with new touch controls and full cross-platform play. Continue reading

By in Firefly News Comments Off on New Video – Devs Read Steam Reviews

New Video – Devs Read Steam Reviews

Watch as Firefly reacts to your Stronghold, Space Colony, CivCity: Rome and Stronghold Kingdoms Steam reviews! In the second episode of our ‘Devs Read Steam Reviews’ video series we go in search of the most weird and wonderful user reviews, plucked from the darkest corners of Steam and thrust into the harsh light of day for all to see. Watch our developers read and react to the most entertaining, ridiculous and innuendo-filled user reviews Steam has ever seen.

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By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Out Now – Stronghold Kingdoms iOS

Out Now – Stronghold Kingdoms iOS

The new mobile version of Stronghold Kingdoms is finally available on the iOS App Store and will be coming to Google Play on August 31st. This is both Firefly Studios’ first mobile release and the first ever Stronghold game to come to mobile, making it a massive milestone for us! Stronghold Kingdoms is completely free to play and includes all main gameplay features of the game on PC and Mac. Kingdoms on mobile is the full game with new touch controls and cross-platform play between iOS, PC, Mac and Android once that version is made available. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, MetaMorph Comments Off on New MetaMorph Trailer

New MetaMorph Trailer

We’re gearing up for the Early Access release of our new tactical dungeon-crawler by releasing the game’s first character trailer! ‘Meet the Rabbit’ introduces MetaMorph’s main character, a ferocious anthropomorphic warrior rabbit with a split personality and the ability to morph between the physical forms of fallen heroes. She’s a dual-wielding, lightning fast sword dancer and also happens to be our leading lady. So check out the new gameplay, let us know what you think in the comments and don’t forget to wishlist MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures on Steam!