Firefly Studios


By in Firefly News Comments Off on Crusade for SpecialEffect

Crusade for SpecialEffect

On September 29th Firefly Studios will ‘Crusade for SpecialEffect’! For 24 hours all proceeds from our fan-favourite Crusader games will be donated to this amazing charity. That means 100% of Steam revenue from Stronghold Crusader HD, Stronghold Crusader 2 and all associated DLC will be used to help fund SpecialEffect’s ongoing quest for inclusiveness and accessibility in gaming. In addition to this day-long pledge, we will also be giving away Crusader-related freebies on the day and doing everything we can to spread the word of OneSpecialDay!

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on New Android Gameplay

New Android Gameplay

Paul and Nick do battle in our latest video release! ‘iOS vs Android’ shows both platforms running side by side in real time, giving you a first look at gameplay from the Android version of the game as an added bonus. Situated in the same parish, our two developers come together in an attempt to build and besiege their way to glory in just 15 minutes. Be sure to watch the video in its entirety for village building, castle construction, world map gameplay and a dramatic siege or two!

By in Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Stronghold Kingdoms Mobile Dated

Stronghold Kingdoms Mobile Dated

It gives us great pleasure to finally announce that the all-new mobile version of Stronghold Kingdoms will be coming to iOS on August 17th and Android shortly after on August 31st! Our first ever Stronghold game on mobile and first major mobile release, at launch Stronghold Kingdoms will be the full game players know and love on their mobile device of choice. These new iOS and Android versions of the game will feature all major features from the desktop version, as well as new touch controls and cross-platform play between iOS, Android, PC and Mac. Continue reading

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The Making of Stronghold 2

Ever wondered what it was like for the original Stronghold 2 developers to produce a highly anticipated sequel to the original castle sim? Then watch our new ‘Making Of’ feature and find out exactly what it was like, straight from our two most senior members in the London office. Designer Simon Bradbury and Producer Paul Harris, both of whom worked on the original release of Stronghold 2 in 2005, discuss custom engines, new features and working with one of the biggest publishers in the world! Continue reading

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Firefly Runs London 10k (Again!)

Firefly Runs London 10k (Again!)

On Sunday our UI artist ran the annual London 10k dressed as Zelda from The Legend of Zelda, complete with wig and flowing dress! Followed by three very green Links, one even armed with an imitation foam sword and shield, our 3D artist chronicled the journey through central London in the link below. Continue reading

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Stronghold 2 – Top 5 Custom Maps

Coming soon to Steam as a free update for all existing owners of the Stronghold Collection, Stronghold 2: Steam Edition will be released with full Workshop support. To celebrate the free update and new Steam features, ranging from new maps and achievements to restored multiplayer, we decided to plunder the archives of legendary Stronghold fansite StrongholdHeaven and present our top five player-created maps! Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Crusader HD, Stronghold HD Comments Off on Stronghold Update – New HD Patch

Stronghold Update – New HD Patch

A free update has been released for Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader HD. The new 1.4 patch adds support for new resolutions, localized campaign maps and a few long overdue bug fixes! The new patch for both HD Stronghold games was released earlier this morning as an automatic update on Steam and will be followed by additional patches for our games, Steam Edition upgrades and new Stronghold games on PC and mobile.

Don’t have the games on Steam? Follow these links to download the latest non-Steam updates for Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader HD!

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By in Firefly News, Stronghold 2 Comments Off on Coming Soon – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition!

Coming Soon – Stronghold 2: Steam Edition!

The good news? Stronghold 2 is coming to Steam independent of the Stronghold Collection. Even better news? The game is being re-released with new content as a free upgrade for existing owners on Steam! Stronghold 2: Steam Edition will come with full Steam integration and restored multiplayer, as well as new content created specifically for this version of the game. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, MetaMorph Comments Off on MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures Announced

MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures Announced

Welcome to MetaMorph, an original title from Firefly Studios’ new ‘Firefly Labs’ team releasing this year on Early Access. A strategic dungeon crawler that rewards character switching, elemental counters and crowd control, MetaMorph challenges you to best a series of increasingly difficult dungeons filled with fire imps, vengeful wisps and hulking golems. These things are all trying to kill you. Good luck!

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By in Firefly News Comments Off on 15 Years of Stronghold

15 Years of Stronghold

It seems like only yesterday that The Boy, aided by his faithful counsellor Sir Longarm, rose up against The Wolf and his evil henchmen. A decade and a half has now passed since Stronghold was first released in stores and since then we have besieged both famous and fictional castles together in medieval Europe, the Crusades-era Middle East and Arthurian kingdoms.

We’re currently hard at work on what comes next for the saga. Namely bringing the series to mobile this year, remastering another old favourite for Steam in the form of Stronghold 2 in 2017 and of course the next main instalment in the series. However we just wanted to take a moment out to say…