Firefly Studios


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Quick Look – MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures

This week we bring you our very first behind the scenes look at MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures in the run up to release on Steam Early Access! MetaMorph is our upcoming tactical dungeon crawler in which you must best hordes of demonic enemies and brutal traps as you descend deeper into the dungeon and world of MetaMorph. Designed to test your moment-to-moment strategising and tactical thinking just as much as your ability to hack and slash life’s problems away, MetaMorph is a completely new project for us but one we’re very excited about getting in your hands. In our Quick Look video Fireflies Jack and Aaron demo a fun selection of the game’s earlier levels, filled an abundance of deadly bombs, saws, brutes and ugly goblins.

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Stronghold Legends Workshop Competition

To celebrate yesterday’s launch of the Humble Care Package we’re organizing a new map competition for Stronghold Legends! With nearly 200 custom maps uploaded to the Steam Workshop page since launch we’re encouraging further legendary (re)creation by running another of our signature competitions. Send us your icy tundras, corrupted evil battlegrounds and magical kingdoms in the form of a custom Steam Workshop map and you could win a lifetime’s supply of Firefly Studios games! See YOUR missions, skirmish and free build maps and get them featured in a community spotlight video, on the official website and Firefly social media.

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Firefly Joins the New Humble Bundle!

The ever excellent folks over at Humble Bundle have gathered a HUGE collection of games, including our very own Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition, for a new $30 bundle worth hundreds of dollars. Available for one week the Humble Care Package Bundle gives you hundreds of dollars worth of games and thousands of hours of gameplay, with 100% of proceeds going direct to charity! What this means is that you pay $30, get more games than you’ll ever play and know that your hard earned funds are going to help people worldwide via Unicef, Global Giving, American Red Cross, Direct Relief and Doctors Without Borders. The Humble Care Package is designed as a response to the string of natural disasters that have plagued a number of different countries this year. It’s our opportunity to help out while also scoring some fantastic new games to play.

This offer ends in one week on November 21st at 7pm GMT. So don’t miss out!

By in Firefly News, MetaMorph Comments Off on Firefly Dev Update

Firefly Dev Update

Now that Stronghold 2: Steam Edition is available, Stronghold Kingdoms has arrived on mobile and MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures is rapidly approaching release we thought this would be a great time to update everyone on the state of play. Watch as our very own Lead Designer Simon Bradbury and coders Matt and Jack update you on all things Firefly with a snapshot on production for each title currently in development. In the video above our three developers provide a quick update on each title including new gameplay, timelines and nuggets of information. As we look forward to the release of MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures on Steam Early Access and prep for full production and the reveal of Stronghold Next in 2018 this new video is designed to let you know exactly where we’re at.

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New MetaMorph Trailer

The final form in our trio of transformations available at launch, the Fire Nymph uses ranged attacks and her unique elemental type to dispatch the dungeon’s countless traps and minions! The Nymph is a ranged attacker with the ability to auto-target and incinerate enemies from a distance, assuming she’s not backed into a corner! Her unique elemental type also gives the Nymph invulnerability against fiery traps and a boost against ice type enemies. Just beware the dungeons more poisonous monstrosities, as a spirit of nature the Nymph is weak against their corrupting spells and attacks.
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By in Firefly News, Stronghold Crusader 2, Stronghold HD Comments Off on Stronghold Tournament (In a Castle!)

Stronghold Tournament (In a Castle!)

Last month we journeyed to Trifels in southern Germany, a reconstructed medieval castle near the small town of Annweiler. Why? For a Stronghold tournament of course! 36 of Germany’s finest went head-to-head playing Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader 2 both against the AI and competitively to decide once and for all who is the greatest lord! Our very own German Community Manager Pascal takes us on a journey up to an elevation of 1,600 ft. His travels take us to this impressive medieval citadel and through the tournament itself, while also explaining a little of the history behind Trifels. The significance of this place for Stronghold and in particular the Crusader series is something special, making it the perfect site for digital siege warfare. Continue reading

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How (Not) to Play Stronghold 2

With the recent release of Stronghold 2: Steam Edition we wanted to highlight the newly integrated Steam multiplayer features in an “intense” 1v1 face-off between Firefly Studios devs. While we’re not entirely we achieved the intensity we were aiming for we do feel like Paul and Nick’s Stronghold 2 exploits are at least entertaining. So check out our latest Firefly Studios clash and let us know what your favourite multiplayer map on Facebook and Twitter!

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By in Stronghold 2, Stronghold Legends Comments Off on Stronghold Halloween Update

Stronghold Halloween Update

A terrible spell has been cast over your (mostly) innocent peasants with the arrival of our Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends Halloween updates! Something horrible has happened to your faithful subjects, their once endearing visage twisted and corrupted by the artists at Firefly Studios. Your only hope is to resist the temptation to hollow out and decorate their new noggins, instead putting them to work away from your corrupted keep. You could try burning your problems away with the new wholly cosmetic green wildfire, although we’re told the curse can only be lifted by those who cast it…

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By in Firefly News, Stronghold 2, Stronghold Crusader 2, Stronghold Crusader HD, Stronghold HD, Stronghold Legends Comments Off on Top 5 Community Strongholds

Top 5 Community Strongholds

To celebrate the recent release of Stronghold 2: Steam Edition and the game’s new Steam Workshop support we have picked our top five community strongholds! From impenetrable designs and castles plucked from the pages of your favourite fantasy novel to faithful recreations of historic castles and entire cities, the Stronghold community does not disappoint.

For 15 years maps, castles and landscapes have been created in our various map editors that we never thought possible. Players have created entire functioning cities, faithfully recreated battlefields from Game of Thrones, challenged fellow players with near perfect defences and more. Here we collect our picks for the most varied designs, all of which still technically fall into the category of ‘castle’!

Credits to Xetas, SUBINDXSUBIN, Cra, TheLoudOne and SergiuHellDragoonHQ! Continue reading

By in Stronghold 2 Comments Off on Stronghold 2 Workshop Competition

Stronghold 2 Workshop Competition

With full Workshop support added as part of the Steam Edition update, it’s easier than ever to share your iconic castles, historic battlegrounds and epic fantasy landscapes! With over a hundred maps uploaded since launch we’re encouraging further historic (re)creation by running our very own custom map competition! Demonstrate your creativity, technical design skills and ingenuity to the Stronghold community and you could win a lifetime’s supply of Firefly Studios games! See your custom map featured on the official Firefly website, social media accounts and anywhere else we can tell the world about your awesome creation. Continue reading