Firefly Studios


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Stronghold Next – Mega Q&A (Part 4)

The Stronghold Next community Q&A series is back! In our fourth episode we answer a further 20 questions, all without spoiling the upcoming gameplay reveal planned for early 2019. While this won’t be our final Stronghold Next video of the year, it is currently our last planned Q&A. That said if we receive enough questions in the comments section we might just be convinced to do a bonus round!

This week we respond to your fan questions about the simulation and economic aspects of our new Stronghold game. How much micromanagement will you be doing? What can you expect in terms of difficulty for new and veteran players? Will Free Build feature AI invasions? Will the beloved Bessy return!? We cover all this and more including our plans to demo the game and how we’ll be updating you on development in 2019 and beyond.

We hope you enjoyed our fourth round of Stronghold Next community questions and look forward to a full development update on Stronghold Next before the end of the year!

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Stronghold Next – Mega Q&A (Part 3)

This week our massive Stronghold Next community Q&A series returns! Nick once again sits down to discuss your most pressing questions about our new Stronghold game as we look forward to revealing the new setting in early 2019. Once again we are spreading 40 community questions over the course of the next two weeks, with another Stronghold Next video on its way next Thursday and more news coming between now and the gameplay reveal.

This week the topics of discussion center on Stronghold Next’s story campaign and various game modes, allowing us to reveal our plans for historical authenticity and overall single player design. Questions on sim modes, tournaments and co-op are all answered, with loads of new info and some discussion of what truly makes a Stronghold game. We even touch on subjects like Sir William’s baby, The Wolf’s demise and Nick’s uncanny resemblance to Ramsey Bolton…

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Inspirations Behind Stronghold – Castles

This week we’re back with another episode of the ‘Inspirations Behind Stronghold‘, delving into the medieval history behind some of the world’s most famous castles and how they inspired the Stronghold series. We travel from Scotland to Spain visiting commanding keeps and majestic castles as we go, showing how the likes of the Tower of London and Wartburg were translated to our final in-game challenges. Then we dive into Stronghold 2: Steam Edition to see exactly how these real world fortresses helped inform our own designs and intricate A.I defenses.

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Community Spotlight #5

From Stronghold HD to Stronghold Next this YouTube exclusive episode of our Community Spotlight series brings with it another testing community map, that Game of Thrones x Stronghold Kingdoms crossover you’ve all been waiting for and a look at one of the best strategy YouTubers around, Lionheartx10!

We also answer a boatload of fan questions from whether Stronghold Next will feature naval combat to what games our developers play in the studio. Want to be featured in a future episode? Then make sure you head over the the Stronghold Facebook Group and submit your question there!

Once again thanks to the Stronghold community on YouTube, Facebook and elsewhere for making such awesome maps, music and videos. We are huge fans of your work at the studio and remember as long as you keep making it, we’ll keep ‘spotlighting’ it!

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Stronghold Showcase #1

This week we debut a brand new series on Firefly Studios’ YouTube channel suggested by you – the players! Introducing the ‘Stronghold Showcase‘ in which we flaunt five awesome user-created maps from our five favorite Stronghold games for your viewing pleasure. Each episode’s collection of community made gems will be available to download immediately via the game’s Steam Workshop page or on Stronghold fan site Stronghold Heaven.

So while you patiently wait for more Stronghold Next info and gameplay, why not dip into our legacy titles with Aaron’s cherry picked array of sieges, skirmishes and economic scenarios? Watch as we take you from the realms of Legends to the lush green fields of Stronghold 2 and the deserts of the Crusader series!

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Stronghold & Chill – 3D Art

This week on ‘Stronghold & Chill’ we interview resident 3D Artist Andreas Lostromos about his work on Stronghold Next, Stronghold Crusader 2 and MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures. Learn more about the different aspects of 3D animation, modelling and art that make up the overall visual style of our medieval castle series, as well as how to become one in the first place! Whether you’re aiming to learn what music Firefly devs listen to while creating our titles or simply looking for some career advice, ‘Stronghold & Chill’ has you covered. This ongoing series bring the developers at Firefly and its community closer together, so make sure you’re subscribed to us on YouTube to catch each new episode!

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Inspirations Behind Stronghold – Heroes & Villains

Stronghold’s characters have always been a mainstay in the castle sim series and one of our most beloved aspects of the games. Whether it’s The Rat, Pig, Snake or Wolf, you know your Stronghold session is bound to be full of boisterous personalities and over the top dialogue. So have you ever wondered how these individuals were conjured into the virtual worlds of our medieval RTS games? Or why?! Then let Aaron take you on a game dev adventure giving context to the figurative medieval children of Firefly co-founders Simon Bradbury and Eric Ouellette!

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Stronghold Next – Mega Q&A (Part 2)

Welcome back to Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Next Q&A extravaganza! The second part in our massive community Q&A sees Nick answering over 20 questions about our next Stronghold title. All taken from Stronghold videos on the Firefly YouTube channel, we answer as much as possible about our upcoming castle sim. Want to know about the castles we visit for research? Our expert opinion on gong? Perhaps Nick’s favourite number? No? Well good thing we have info on our map editor, boxed version, single player campaigns, voice lines, siege weapons, upgrades, animations and more! Continue reading

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Stronghold Next – Mega Q&A (Part 1)

Welcome to part one of Firefly Studios’ massive Stronghold Next Q&A! Today we answer YOUR questions from our previous Stronghold Next videos on YouTube to tide you over until our full gameplay reveal. Watch as Nick answers more than 50 of your most pressing questions over the next two weeks, all without going into spoiler territory! Firefly reveal as much as possible about the upcoming castle sim including similarities with the Crusader series, game modes, mods, pricing, diplomacy, language support, release dates and more! There’s also discussion about the Stronghold series as a whole, such as how likely we are to see a console version of the castle builder and possible future settings. For some reason there’s even talk of a Firefly clothing line and Game of Thrones… Continue reading

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Community Spotlight #4

Looking for new info on Stronghold Next? Maybe an excellent Crusader 2 skirmish map? What about a heavy metal remix of one of the classic jams from the Stronghold soundtrack? Well have we got good news for you, all that and more in this brand new YouTube-exclusive episode of the ‘Community Spotlight’!

As always we highlight some gems from you guys in the Stronghold community whilst answering some lingering questions about all our titles, from the ‘OG’s of the series all the way to our newest chapter: Stronghold Next. If you would like to feature in an upcoming episode make sure you click the link below to sign up to the Official Stronghold Facebook Group where we will ask for submissions!