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Inspirations Behind Stronghold – Castle Life

Ever wondered what inspired Firefly Studios to tackle the intricacies of medieval ‘castle life’ with the Stronghold series? Well look no further! This week Aaron guides you through the studio’s creative journey in a new video, realizing a virtual feudal society in its series of medieval castle sims.

Learn how Simon and the original Firefly developers selected which specific feudal industries, services and traditions would make it into the original Stronghold way back in 1999. Find out why your peasant populace were made to be mostly blithering fools as Simon recalls the various torture devices littered throughout your castle.

This is the penultimate episode of our European ‘Inspirations Behind Stronghold‘ series, with our next and final episode featuring the varied siege equipment and castle defenses featured in our strategy series. So make sure you follow Firefly Studios on YouTube to catch our final episode in the series and look forward to more eastern Crusader-themed videos in 2019!

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