Firefly Studios


By in Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on 100 Quick Questions

100 Quick Questions

We’re back again with brand new Stronghold: Warlords content! This week we answer more than one hundred quick-fire community questions from you about our latest mainline castle sim with the help of Senior Coder Matt Smith. Watch as Matt and Nick run through some of your most pressing concerns and queries around Warlords, including but not limited to… The Warlords system, graphical upgrades, the official soundtrack, new unit abilities, siege engines, the possibility of a beta, 2D, 3D, 2.5D, release dates, characters, campaigns and much more!

All questions have been taken from our comment section here on YouTube, but also from Facebook, Twitter, Discord and Reddit as we keep an ear to the ground for all feedback as development continues. If you have a question you don’t see answered here make sure you drop it in the comment section below and you too could end up featured in a future Q&A or video down the line. As announced last week we’re aiming to release two Stronghold: Warlords videos monthly from now until release next year. So if you’d like to be first to see future trailers, new instalments in our Feature Spotlight series, dev updates and everything else related to our exciting new venture into China, Mongolia and Japan make sure you’re subscribed here on YouTube!

By in Firefly News, Romans: Age of Caesar, Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on Behind the Studio (2019) – Part 1

Behind the Studio (2019) – Part 1

This week premiering our brand new Behind the Studio series, Aaron invites you behind the game dev curtain to walk through Firefly Studios’ plans for both Stronghold: Warlords and Romans: Age of Caesar in 2019 and beyond. Find out how to stay up to date on everything Firefly Studios including where to get the latest information on Stronghold and Romans, our latest community videos and of course all the trailers, interviews and livestreams your strategy gamer heart desires. So if you want to stay in the loop on our game dev adventures make sure you are subscribed to us here on YouTube for weekly updates on our titles and studio developments.

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Kingdoms Comments Off on Data Breach

Data Breach

This is a post to make you aware of an issue that might involve your Stronghold Kingdoms account information. We understand that your privacy and security is of the utmost importance, and we want you to know that we take the responsibility to safeguard your personal data very seriously.

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By in Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on Stronghold: Warlords – Feature Spotlight

Stronghold: Warlords – Feature Spotlight

In terms of features Stronghold: Warlords is being designed in many ways as a ‘greatest hits’ compilation. That said just because we’re bringing back plenty of fan favourite units and options doesn’t mean certain core Stronghold elements can’t be improved upon. Today we delve into fan requested troop and wall changes that have been on our radar for some time now in our first ever Feature Spotlight.

Returning to the classic 2D-style wall placement has been a goal of our 3D games for years now and with Warlords we feel closer than ever. Taking advantage of 3D to introduce proper unit displacement and collision has also been a goal for some time. Each of these improvements are coming in Stronghold: Warlords, along with a whole host of changes requested by the community.

After the positive reception to our previous Warlords video we’ve also decided to turn these Feature Spotlights into a full series! Over the next few months we’ll be using each episode to explore key systems and features in the game, some classic Stronghold and others completely new. Whatever part of the game interests you most there will be a Feature Spotlight for it and we’ll be paying close attention to the comments below for any suggestions you might have.

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Stronghold Summer Sale

Stronghold Summer Sale

The Stronghold Steam Summer Sale returns and with it the continuing adventures of Dunk Slater in a full narrative sequel to last year’s Summer Sale video! Now working a dead-end job at his father’s factory, Dunk’s adventures with Sir William and the Ice Queen seem all but distant memories. But something is stirring at Valve HQ… Join Dunk as he returns once more to the lands of classic ‘castle sim’ action, with discounts on all Stronghold games on Steam!

With up to 90% off the Stronghold series and Crusader HD available for less than a cup of coffee, you’d have to be as dim as Dunk to let these deals escape you. If you already own these Strongholds feel free to leave a review for your favourite title and Wishlist our latest game in the series.

By in Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on Stronghold: Warlords – 7 Classic Features

Stronghold: Warlords – 7 Classic Features

What do Laddermen, the Scribe, Siege Towers, Strong Walls and Fear Factor all have in common? They’re beloved features of past Stronghold games returning in Stronghold: Warlords! Hot on the heels of our E3 announcement Nick returns to run through seven classic castle sim features returning in our latest Stronghold title.

Revealed earlier this month at E3 2019, Stronghold: Warlords is a step forward for Stronghold gameplay but also something of a greatest hits in terms of features. A new version of the Scribe will return in several areas of gameplay, Fear Factor and other castle life features will allow you to customise your economy as you please and both Laddermen and Siege Towers make their glorious return! Walls have also been completely reworked to build better, feel more customizable and stronger than ever before. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on Firefly Studios Announces Stronghold: Warlords

Firefly Studios Announces Stronghold: Warlords

Besiege Great Khans, Imperial warlords and Shōgun commanders in Stronghold: Warlords, the latest in Firefly’s classic ‘castle sim’ series. Command AI warlords across the battlefield as you build a castle economy and new gunpowder-fuelled siege engines!

For the first time ever Stronghold: Warlords allows you to recruit, upgrade and command AI lords across the battlefield in the form of in-game ‘Warlords’. Each warlord under your command boosts your strategic prowess with unique perks, characteristics and upgradeable abilities. Put them to work for your industry, fortifying borders, forging weapons or team up for a pincer attack! Each campaign mission, skirmish game and multiplayer battle means a fresh set of warlords to command and new strategic depth to discover. Continue reading

By in Firefly News, Stronghold Warlords Comments Off on 20 Years of Stronghold

20 Years of Stronghold

We’re celebrating Firefly Studios’ 20th Anniversary with a feature length documentary about the history of the Stronghold series! Featuring 12 interviews with our founders, producers, artists, programmers and marketers, we take you through the entire history of the series. From the first alpha build of Stronghold in 1999 through to Stronghold Crusader 2 and our upcoming project Stronghold Next, set to be revealed at E3 2019.

So whether you’re a hardcore Stronghold fan who’s been with the series since day one or an RTS fan looking to find out more about Stronghold Next, this documentary tells you everything you need to know about our medieval strategy games. From the brutal and bloody sands of the Crusader games to the grandiose magic of Legends and the new setting of our next game in the series, this is our entire development history as told by the creators themselves.

So relax, pour out an ale and treat yourself to double rations as we recount the game dev tales of the Stronghold series in preparation for the grand reveal of our brand new castle sim next week at E3 2019.

By in Firefly News Comments Off on Stronghold & Chill – Matt (Programming)

Stronghold & Chill – Matt (Programming)

This episode of Stronghold & Chill features Matt Smith, Programmer on Firefly Studios titles such as Stronghold Crusader 2, Stronghold Kingdoms, & Stronghold Next. Learn about what it takes to get into game programming, what the technical term for arrow trails is, and how Firefly used to get into grudge matches over a nice session of Team Fortress 2.

Stronghold & Chill aims to bring the developers at Firefly Studios and it’s communities closer together, so make sure you’re subscribed to us here on YouTube with that notification bell ON to catch brand new episodes with our other developers!

By in Firefly News, Stronghold 2, Stronghold Crusader 2, Stronghold Crusader HD, Stronghold HD, Stronghold Legends Comments Off on Stronghold Showcase – Lord of the Rings

Stronghold Showcase – Lord of the Rings

With Stronghold players flocking to get the best Game of Thrones based maps from the last episode of the Showcase, we thought it fitting to embrace the other titan of both fantasy and custom Stronghold maps – The Lord of the Rings. With the likes of Helms Deep and Minas Tirith already covered in previous episodes of the Showcase, we head to other hot spots within Middle Earth. The City of Osgiliath, Pellenor Fields, and The Westfold are all available to download now for players wanting to recreate castles and battles from Tolkien’s epic world:


War in the East

The Westfold

Middle Earth

Four Castles

Do you have a multiplayer battlefield, siege scenario or cosmetic map you think deserves to be in a future episode? Comment and let us know! We’re constantly on the lookout for cool fan-created content and love spotlighting lesser-known creations that go under the radar.